
Shorten the disparity of knowledge between AI technology and enterprise clients.
MoBagel. inc
B2B AI / ML Platform
Creative strategy, UX research, brand & visual design.
Design lead - Andy An, interior designe agency - WEIWU Design.

MoBagel is a key vendor of AI/ML platforms (Gartner, 2020) with a mission to empower data teams and enterprises to become AI-driven; this spirit reflects MoBagel’s slogan, to help professionals could “Think with AI” to make crucial decisions. The users of MoBagel’s products are mainly data scientists in small and mid enterprises. However, senior executives are the primary decision-makers when deploying AI technology in their companies. Due to the disparity of tech knowledge, crafting a trustworthy and understandable brand experience becomes the most critical mission for the brand designers on the team.


Current challenge

A logo without a brand system

I studied the current design system and analyzed the problems of its application. After analysis, it is clear that vague brand positioning is the core problem making the systematization of visual identity harder.

An icon without
compelling concept

A logo without

Only 2 colors
in the brand system

AI & B2B Brands Audit

How might we stand out ?

I conducted an industry audit to comprehend the brand presentations of other AI service products. With a focus on Mobagel's market position, I explored the current industry status of startup AI products and also visual approaches in the international B2B digital products landscape. The objective was to challenge common stereotypes surrounding the brand presentation of B2B products and provide the business owners a clear vision.

Interview with CEO

Who is MoBagel ?

In the past, MoBagel’s vision, mission, and values were not recorded in any document. Thus, I spent one month collaborating with the CEO and COO to work on a white paper and expected that it could become the foundation of further brand development.


Stakeholders Mapping

Who is target audience ?

The B2B buying centers are mainly composed of a group of people. To figure out the most efficient communication strategy, I spent one day working with the sales team and using stakeholder mapping to define the people with the highest interest and power when purchasing MoBagel’s products.

Design Survey

What's the value users
care about ?

To understand the decision makers' feedback, I designed a questionnaire to review MoBagel's current brand awareness. Thanks to the sales team's help, I got 530 valid questionnaires from deciders, buyers, and initiators in enterprises. This questionnaire included one filter question, one rating question, one multiple-choice question, and one open question to dig into the reasons

Q1. Filter Question

Have you haeard about MoBagel before ?

Q2. Rating question

5 aspects to review the current brand image of MoBagel

Q3. Multiple-choice question

Which brand do you prefer to choose when using an AI Analysis product ? Why?


221 people preferred Brand A because they are famous, trustworthy, lowe-risk, etc.


43 People said they prefer MoBagel because they are affordable, local,  visionary, approachable, etc.


Rebrand Direction

After I analyzed the insights from the survey, a clear rebrand statement was proposed.

Transferring the brand from “startup ” to a “professional but amiable” vibe.

Brand Design


Brand personality

Host an internal workshop to look for more specific adjectives which could be used to craft a “professional and amiable” vibe and solve their literal contradiction. In this session, members from the marketing, sales, and design teams were invited, and we walked through three phases to conclude the brand personality.


Based on vision, mission, and value statement, come up with many adjectives to describe MoBagel.


Categorize keywords and remove dehumanized, neutral, and
hostile word groups.

Discussion and vote

Review the rebrand direction and select four keywords which can detailedly describe "Professional" and "Amiable"

Creative Direction

After confirming the emotional keywords, I studied some logo cases from the AI industry and B2B brands to define design principles. For instance, the logo system should be extendable to represent diverse product lines in MoBagel’s future business plans. According to the findings, a creative direction was proposed.

A reconfigurable geometric logo to symbolize data presentation.


After exploration, this version was selected because it reflected the brand personality most and symbolized the capitals of M and B.


Compared to many typographies, “ITC Avant Garde Gothic Pro” was selected due to its stable look and legibility. However, the tail of L was refined to help Taiwanese people read the name easily.

Color Scheme

Considering the CEO’s expectations, navy was maintained as the primary color. Yellow and sky blue were added to emphasize its uniqueness among other AI brand.