Genie App

A shopping delegation platform to help shoppers access unique foreign products by connecting them with future travelers
UIUX / Product
User research, UI UX design, Brand design, Design system

Genie is a shopping delegation platform that connects travelers and customers to access foreign unique products. Consumers can use the Genie App to request purchase of niche foreign goods, offering corresponding rewards based on the purchasing difficulty and volume of the item, to attract travelers to fulfill shopping requests. Travelers, in turn, can proactively accept shopping requests for future travel destinations through the app and earn travel funds. Genie's mission is to empower individuals to access desired goods without geographical constraints and to address the demand for regional products that are inaccessible through mainstream shopping channels.

Define Problems


A product Idea from a startup team to improve the incomplete global goods transaction market

At the end of 2023, I received a job opportunity from a Taiwanese startup that had identified a strong demand for purchasing goods from Japan and South Korea. Despite this, no digital services in Taiwan catered to this need. Their aim was to create a platform connecting users with travelers to help them buy desired products from these countries. As an international student from Taiwan living in New York, I’ve struggled to purchase specific items from Taiwan, which sparked my curiosity about why the market still fails to meet the demand for international goods despite globalization.

Foreign Products refer to
goods not available locally, sold through niche channels, or requiring assistance for procurement oversea.
Industry audit

5 channels for acquire foreign products

Like many startups, this team initially focused on observing the market and generating ideas but struggled to clearly define the core problem they were solving for users. To address this, I decided to conduct a series of research before diving into interface design to better understand consumer purchasing behavior and refine the product's positioning. In the initial industry research, I identified five primary channels for obtaining foreign goods: local physical and online stores, global e-commerce, purchase agents, direct online purchases from foreign shops, and family or friends. Each channel has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of price, product variety, credibility, and purchasing flexibility.

Meet users

8 users who purchased foreign products in the past one year

In this round of interviews, I recruited participants through a questionnaire, targeting individuals who have purchased goods from foreign countries at least three times in the past year. To enhance the diversity of insights during the project exploration phase, I ultimately selected eight final interviewees from four different countries, currently residing in five different countries.

Persona A

People are motivated by cultural background and habit

In these interviews, an interesting discovery was made among frequent purchasers of foreign goods: they primarily fall into two user groups. Firstly, there are users who have relocated from their home country to another country due to reasons like marriage, study, or work. Due to their personal habits and cultural backgrounds, most of them often have a strong motivation to purchase goods from their home country. However, they also face the risk of opting for similar substitutes locally due to higher costs and uncertain quality.

Persona B

People are motivated by personal interests and hobbies

The second group consists of individuals living in their home country who choose to purchase foreign products primarily out of interest or hobbies, which strongly motivates them. For example, fans of K-pop or Japanese anime often cross borders to purchase region-specific limited edition products due to their passion for collecting related items. Compared to the first group, these users tend to have a higher frequency of purchases.

Meta insight 1

The scarcity of products determines channel selection

In these interviews, it was found that users' choice of purchasing channels is directly influenced by the scarcity and popularity of products. For popular regional products influenced by globalization, people often prefer the convenience of global e-commerce platforms or local foreign stores, despite higher prices. However, for unique foreign products, acquiring them usually involves commissioning others, using services, or managing international orders personally, posing more challenges. Clarifying this, I've decided to focus my design solution on optimizing the acquisition of unique foreign products.

Meta insight 2

Social pressure and inflexibility reduce people's willingness to ask acquaintances for help

Many interviewees mentioned that direct purchasing from foreign stores and using purchase agents allow them to make purchases independently. However, they often face high free shipping thresholds, and in some cases, the shipping cost may be higher than the product's value. As a result, they tend to rely more on friends or family for purchasing foreign goods. Yet, such opportunities are rare because it's not always possible to find someone familiar with traveling at the right time. Furthermore, even when the opportunity arises, they often worry about inconveniencing others or disrupting their travel plans.

HMW statement

After understanding user purchasing behaviors, I've defined my design focus and crafted a How Might We (HMW) statement to guide my design decisions. I aim to create an interactive solution that helps people find assistance more seamlessly in purchasing desired unique foreign products, reducing their mental burden.

How might increase the flexibility and ease the pressure of asking for help and  in purchasing unique foreign products?



A shopping delegation platform to connect travelers and shoppers

After exploring various solutions and conducting a series of user interviews, I decided to create a platform where shoppers can post their overseas shopping needs. This platform connects them with travelers from the product's location who are coming to the shopper's area, helping users fulfill their purchasing needs while travelers earn rewards. Over 80% of interviewees expressed interest in this idea and could easily envision themselves as shoppers or travelers benefiting from the product.

Focus flow

Shopper request flow : The matching process to find the right travelers

The purchasing process involves many steps, from searching for goods, buying, delivering, to making payments. This idea further involves matching users on both ends. Considering the project's timeline, I have outlined the complete user journey and, with practical execution time in mind, decided to focus the project goal on the "matching process." This means enabling shoppers to post their needs on the platform and find suitable travelers to fulfill their requests.

More interviews

5 key insights for refinement

After clarifying the foucs of this project, I proceeded with the next round of user interviews. To ensure a smoother request flow, I recruited not only five users but also three experienced travelers who had provided foreign shopping services for profit. During these interviews, we had an in-depth discussion about the request flow, aiming to understand their concerns and the features they expect to see in the product. From these interviews, I finally distilled 5 key insights that were frequently mentioned.


3 Key features on shopper request flow

Finally, by using the MSCW framework and incorporating insights from interviewees regarding the shopper request flow, I prioritized three key features :

Easy Product Input : This feature simplifies and accelerates the process of inputting product information for purchase.

Reward System : This feature enables users to set bonuses for travelers based on the difficulty of the product, increasing the likelihood of accepting requests.

Shopping Request Profiles : This feature allows users to manage their requests easily. Users can view request details and browse upcoming travelers, including their past reviews and ratings, to evaluate their credibility.

Final Design


First, after opening the Genie App, users can quickly create an account by entering their name and location. Considering that users might take on the roles of either shopper or traveler depending on different scenarios, the interface will default to the "request" mode upon entering the home page. This allows shoppers to post their foreign shopping requests. When they switch to the "travel" mode, users can create upcoming trips and take shopping requests from their destination.

Feature 1.

Easy product input

Users can click the "post request" card to enter the request creation page. In the first step, the system will prompt users to fill in basic product information, such as category, product title, country, sales channel, and two optional fields: link and description. After clicking "next," the system will automatically search the backend for the product. Users can quickly import the product information if the desired item appears by clicking on it. If not, users can manually upload a photo and include the range of product dimensions and weight to complete the product input.

Feature 2.

Reward System

ChatGPTNext, Genie will ask users to enter the number of items they want, the acceptable price range, and the reward offered to travelers for assistance. If the reward does not attract travelers, users can edit the amounts later to increase interest. This means the reward system will reflect free market dynamics: items that are difficult to purchase, bulky, or high-value may require higher rewards.

To ensure safety, once users click "Create," the request will enter a pending review status. Genie will check for risks and compliance with local laws, preventing requests for contraband, such as drugs, counterfeit goods, illegal weapons, or high-risk items, ensuring traveler safety.

Feature 3.

Shopping request profiles

Once a request is approved, users can view their shopping request profile on the homepage. Clicking the card will display the request details. Users can also click "Explore Traveler" to see travelers who are currently in the product's location but will soon be traveling to the user's area. This feature also shows travelers' past ratings, upcoming travel dates, and the approximate distance between their future stay location and the user.Additionally, travelers can also view the shopping request profile. If they are interested or willing to help, they can contact the user actively.